Funny status For whatsapp

Funny status For whatsapp
Today our post is about funny whatsapp status.Now this time we are going to share best funny status for whatsapp and facebook.We are sure that these funny status quotes for whatsapp is make your face smile and happy.These funny status show your mood funny and must inspire your boyfriend or girlfriend.We have a nice and most popular funny whatsapp status collection.You can just pick up any funny status quotes and share it on your whatsapp profile or make him facebook status.These are Best Inspirational funny status for whatsapp Quotes below.if you like our funny status quotes for whatsapp then must like our previous post best whatsapp status quotes and love status quotes for whatsapp.

Funny status For whatsapp and Facebook Below

I will marry the girl, who look pretty in her Adhaar card
A man asks a trainer in the gym: “I want 2 impress that beautiful girl , which machine can I use?” Trainer replies: “Use the ATM”
Someone on his status "Sleeping" ...since 3 Days! He's Probably dead. 
Just saw the most smartest person when i was in front of the mirror :P
God is really creative , i mean ..just look at me :P
My study period = 15 minutes. My break time = 3 hours.
People say everything happens for a reason. So when I punch you in the face, remember I have a reason. ;-)Open Books, Not Legs. Blow Minds, Not Guy
I Have Good News And Bad News To Tell You. The Bad News? I Have No Good News. And The Good News? I Have No Bad News.
Do You Want To Go Out With Me? (A) Yes (B) A (C) B.
You Don't Know Something? Google It. You Don't Know Someone? Facebook It. You Can't Find Something? Mom!
Touch it gently, put two fingers inside, if it's wide use three fingers, make sure it's wet and rub up and down. Yep that's how you wash a cup. 

Best Funny Whatsapp Status Quotes:

Can’t talk, telepathy only!
Read books instead of reading my status!
SI unit of ignorance = “seen”
My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”.
Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out of it alive.
WARNING!! I know karate …..and some other words!!!
It’s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world each day fit exactly the length of newspaper.
Congratulations!!My tallest finger want to give you a standing ovation.
A black cat passing by the crossroad can stop hundreds of people what a RED LIGHT on traffic signal has failed to do for long time!!
In victory, you deserve Champagne. In defeat you need it.
When it’s you against me, you either win or you die!!!
I hate men but I’m not lesbian.
Don’t get a man(\woman) ,get a dog …they are loyal and they die sooner.
Some people should just give up at engineering( or medical) ………i have.
Everybody is so happy….I hate that.
I Wonder What Happen’s When Doctor’s Wife Eats An Apple A Day
Do you ever just lie on knees and thank god that you know me and my intelligence???
Who care’s ?????………..I’m awsome
I had to take sick day.I’m sick of those peoples.
Hey,you are reading my status again??


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