Best Love Status For Whatsapp In English

Best Love Status For Whatsapp In English
Today our topic is love and the love is a primary part of human nature to be is always the exciting and most interesting topic that’s have discussed since the beginning of time and will continue to be applicable in the all time.People are always excited they have a special person in his/her life and the feel that they falling in loves then they want to express their feelings and excitement with lovers.In the modern day of life social media play an important role because express their love is very easy now due to whatsapp and facebook.We also have short love status ideas, famous love status ideas for whatsapp and love status quotes message for today we are here to share most popular best love status for whatsapp in english to be share with their lovers.we have a huge love whatsapp status collection for popular social apps like whatsapp facebook.

Best Love Status For Whatsapp And Facebook In English Below:

Being in your arms makes me feel as though I am truly in heaven showered in an endless rain of happiness for eternity. I ♥ you, Baby. You’re my heaven for eternity.
Do I ♥ you? My God, if your ♥ were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.
Don’t ever hold my hand if you are going to let it go. Don’t ever say, ‘I ♥ you,’ if you are going to leave me alone.
Even though were far apart I ♥ you dearly with all my heart.
For yesterday’s memories, today’s ♥, and tomorrow’s dreams I ♥ you.
From the first time we met, I just knew we were meant to be together. Each day, my love for you only grows stronger.
Go ahead and say it: I ♥ you. You can say it a thousand times. But, true ♥ doesn’t need to be told.
I ♥ you because you bring out the best in me, and holding on to that thought, I sincerely believe that just by being with you shall bring out the best life I ever could live.
I ♥ you more than any word can say … I ♥ you more than every action I take … I’ll be right here loving you till the end.
I ♥ you more than I miss you. If you put that in numbers, you will need more than just a computer.
I ♥ you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.
I don’t fear insects or spiders. At great heights, I jump off, smiling. In the face of death I wink. But, when I look into your eyes, I’m in fear of how much I ♥ you.
I have heard that love is the greatest power in the universe. If this is true, then together we just might rule the universe.
I have seen old couples walking hand and hand, and I used to wonder how they kept their love alive for so long. Since we have been together, I finally understand.
I have tried to find the best words to express how much I love you. It isn’t easy only because no words describe the depth of my feelings.

You Can Find More Love Status For Whatsapp In English Below: 

Love Status For Whatsapp In English

I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I ♥ you.
I love the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you hold me close and the many ways you show me how much you love me.
I love you so much that it sometimes feels like my heart will burst with joy. In those moments, I am sometimes unable to say how I feel, and so I am saying it here.
I never really believed in love. It seemed to be a fairy tale, but then I met you. Now I understand what love is, and I am so grateful for you.
I thought I knew what love is, but now I understand it is beyond anything I ever imagined. You are amazing and I cherish our love.
I’ve written your name on the pages of my heart, reflected your face on the mirrors of my soul and displayed you in the galleries of my eyes. I ♥ you.
If enduring pain, braving shame, despising one’s self for the sake of affection and accepting misery without question is the definition of ♥ – then, I ♥ YOU.
If ever you doubt my love, please look into my eyes and you will see into my heart and into my soul.
If I ♥ you this much, and I’m not the one for you, then the one for you will be everything I am; and everything I’m not.
If I could give you only one thing in this life, I would give you the beautiful feeling I have each time I see you.
If I told you I would move mountains for you, would you believe me? I hope so. I hope you know how very much I love you.
If you have to say you ♥ me, it’s because I need to know. If you want to say you ♥ me, it’s because you want me to know. But, saying that you ♥ me is simply because you do. I ♥ you, too!
If you want to know how much I ♥ you, look into my eyes with your heart open
It takes a second to say I ♥ you, but a lifetime to show it.
It was you who made me see how truly happy it was to have you; you were a godsend. Now, with ♥ crushed, I have only the memory of your face and the ♥ we had to cherish forever and for always. I ♥ you.
Listen to my heart beat as it goes, Thump, Thump, Thump. It is saying I ♥ you, I ♥ you, I ♥ you.
Love extends a hand through time. Look into my eyes and you will see how my love for you radiates now and forever.
Love is the only thing that is truly worth fighting for. Thank you for showing me what love is and for fighting for me.
Love is the power that blesses everything it touches. When your beloved is by your side, you cannot help but be blessed and bless others.
Love is truly a magical force. I am forever grateful to you for how you continue to open my eyes to the magic.
Multiply it by infinity, take it to the depths of forever and you’ll still only have a glimpse of how much I ♥ you.
My love for you goes deeper than external things, and I know that this love can last a lifetime or longer.
No foe, no heartache, no disease, no natural disaster, no tragedy can win against the power of true, unconditional love.
Saying I ♥ you is important, but not enough. Remember, ♥ is a verb, an action word. Sometimes, passive because it happens to us, but also active, because we choose to do it.
The day you came into my life was the day I found the love that my life had been missing.
The greatest distance on earth is not north and south, it is when I am right in front of you and you do not know that I ♥ you.
The love that we share is just like what I dared to dream about when I was younger. Together we are making dreams come true.
The more I know you, the more I ♥ you.
The sound of your voice fills me with joy, and the love in your eyes when you speak to me leaves me speechless. I love you so much.
Time and distance cannot affect our love, for our connection transcends earthly things. The heart knows the deeper truth.
True love is based on the eternal heart and soul. Therefore, neither time nor distance can harm it or end it.
When life gets stressful, I still feel so lucky because I have you. The love we share makes life’s challenges and obstacles so much easier to bear.
When time has passed and we grow old, I want you to know that my love will be as strong as ever.
When we are together, I never want to be apart. When we are apart, I long to be together again.
When we met, I thought that the pounding in my heart was just fear. Now I know it was because of the unexpected intensity of my love for you.
Whether we walk on the shore, down a pebbled path or city street, I am happy because I walk with the one who holds my heart and my soul.
Why do I ♥ you? Because you are and always have been my dream.
With your unconditional love, you have given me the best gift anyone has given to me. I am yours now and always.
You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. How I got so lucky I will never know.
You may not have heard me tell you that I ♥ you, but the way that I look into your eyes, the way I smile when you pass by, and the way that my heart feels when you are near all speaks of what best describes the ♥ that I feel.

Basit Sheikh

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